
065: All Israel Will Be Saved and So Will All Mankind (Romans Series #25: Rom. 11:16-36)

To illustrate that Israel’s “time-out” is merely temporary, not permanent, Paul uses the metaphor of wild olive branches (believing Gentiles) being grafted into a cultivated olive tree (Israel), whose branches have been broken off due to disobedience (in rejecting Messiah and His offer of kingdom inheritance). But Israel will repent and be re-grafted back into her national tree. Pastor Hollandsworth points out that “all Israel will be saved,” leading to all mankind being saved, for God’s objective is to commit all mankind to disobedience so He might have mercy on all.

062: The Word of Faith Is Near You (Romans Series #23: Rom. 10)

The Romans Road method of witnessing typically culminates in Rom. 10:9, 13, with a plea to be saved by confessing the Lord Jesus and calling upon the name of the Lord. However, this is not how “salvation” is used in the book of Romans. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that salvation for national Israel is deliverance from God’s wrath and consequent destruction. For individual children of God – both Jews and Gentiles – it is deliverance from sinning and self-destruction. He also points out the meaning of “the word of faith” and in what sense it is “near you.”