
073: Nothing My God Cannot Do (Greatness of God Series #01: His Power)

God is omnipotent and His might is seen in this world and in the Word of God. Pastor Hollandsworth shares five testimonies of the mighty power of Jehovah God and explains what a difference this makes for everyday Christian living.

058: Suffering Precedes Glory

On the day of His resurrection, Jesus anonymously joins two travelers on the road to Emmaus, who are bemoaning the death of the man they assumed was going to be their Messiah. Jesus corrects their thinking, showing that Messiah must first suffer before being glorified as king, then He reveals Himself, and they rejoice that He is risen. Pastor Hollandsworth points out that believers must also suffer for Jesus if they expect to co-rule with Him.

049: Where Are Lazarus and Dives? (Part 2)

Why is the rich man rich? Why is the poor man poor? When taken literally, the story of the rich man and Lazarus does not sufficiently answer why the two men are sent to Heaven and Hell. Nothing is said about their behavior or relationship with God. Pastor Hollandsworth applies a parabolic meaning to the story and explains Christ’s use of symbolism in rebuking the Pharisees.

047: What Happens When We Die?

Do believers go to Heaven and unbelievers go to Hell when they die, or do all remain “asleep” until the future resurrection and judgment? Pastor Hollandsworth searches the Scriptures to see if the Intermediate State position, held by most Christians, is biblical.

045: Eternal Is Not Forever

The Bible words “eternal,” “everlasting,” and “forever” are mistranslations of the Greek adjective “aionios,” which actually means “age-lasting” or “for the age.” Pastor Hollandsworth explains how this error crept into English Bible translations and explores the ramifications with respect to Heaven and Hell.