
074: Perfect Ends and Perfect Means (Greatness of God Series #02: His Wisdom)

God is omniscient and all-wise, planning the redemption and future glorification of mankind before the foundation of the world. Pastor Hollandsworth explains five things God does in wisdom and encourages believers to seek His wisdom by believing Him for it.

073: Nothing My God Cannot Do (Greatness of God Series #01: His Power)

God is omnipotent and His might is seen in this world and in the Word of God. Pastor Hollandsworth shares five testimonies of the mighty power of Jehovah God and explains what a difference this makes for everyday Christian living.

072: Crushing the Devil (Romans Series #32: Rom. 16)

In this final triumphant chapter of Romans, Paul shares admonitions and words of encouragement, and even a promise: “The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Pastor Hollandsworth shares three paradoxes from this promise and demonstrates from the epistle of Ephesians how believers are to claim and apply the promise, thereby experiencing victory over the supernatural realm of Satan.

028: Near-Death Experience

In the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read from the Isaiah scroll, applying the text to Himself, by concluding with the statement, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the glorious nature of Christ’s ministry, as described in Luke 4:18-19, and explains why the people marveled at Him in the synagogue, yet moments later were eager to throw him off the rocky cliff at the edge of town.