
069: Obeying Government and Loving Mankind (Romans Series #29: Rom. 13)

Christians are biblically obligated to obey the dictates of governing authorities, unless those dictates cause us to violate God’s laws. In those situations, we must obey God rather than men. Pastor Hollandsworth points out, however, that many American Christians misapply Rom. 13, because our form of government opens the door to challenge government. Paul calls for believers to truly obey all levels of government and love everyone.

068: Rules for Revolutionizing Home and Church (Romans Series #28: Rom. 12:9-21)

What would happen if Christian homes and churches were suddenly filled with love, joy, and peace? Pastor Hollandsworth shares fourteen God-given rules from Rom. 12 that, if obeyed by God’s grace, would revolutionize homes and churches.

059: Yearning for Israel’s Salvation (Romans Series #20: Rom. 9:1-3)

Martin Luther was heavily antisemitic, and his beliefs about Israel led to replacement theology. In contrast, Paul wishes himself to be accursed so that Israel will be saved and fulfill the prophecies. What is this “salvation,” and what does it mean to be “accursed?” Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, demonstrating that Israel’s salvation is critical to the salvation of all humanity.

056: Promises for Firstborn Sons (Romans Series #19: Rom. 8:26-39)

The end of Rom. 8 is often understood as unconditional promises for believers, following a description of “the process of salvation” in vs. 29-30, from God’s perspective. However, Pastor Hollandsworth points out that vs. 29-30 are a description of sanctification unto reward from God’s perspective. Thus, the promises in the broader text are conditional promises, for those who are on the pathway of becoming firstborn sons to glory.

044: The Electrifying Third Rail

Universal Reconciliation is the third rail that electrifies the doctrine of salvation. Pastor Hollandsworth presents twenty Scripture verses in support of this view and emphasizes that the will of God to save all men will indeed be fulfilled by the end of the ages.