What you won’t learn at Church

All podcast episodes are based on the Word of God. I would encourage you to follow along in the Scriptures. 

Sanctify them by Your truth.
Your word is truth.
John 17:17

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32

All Episodes

073: Nothing My God Cannot Do (Greatness of God Series #01: His Power)

God is omnipotent and His might is seen in this world and in the Word of God. Pastor Hollandsworth shares five testimonies of the mighty power of Jehovah God and explains what a difference this makes for everyday Christian living.

072: Crushing the Devil (Romans Series #32: Rom. 16)

In this final triumphant chapter of Romans, Paul shares admonitions and words of encouragement, and even a promise: “The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Pastor Hollandsworth shares three paradoxes from this promise and demonstrates from the epistle of Ephesians how believers are to claim and apply the promise, thereby experiencing victory over the supernatural realm of Satan.

071: Glorifying God With One Mind and Voice (Romans Series #31: Rom. 15)

When Jewish and Gentile believers accept each other in Christ, they glorify the Lord in this present age, which is a beautiful picture of the unity of Jews and Gentiles under the Messianic reign of Jesus in the next age, when all will glorify the Lord. Pastor Hollandsworth makes application to twenty-first century believers and churches and revels in this glorious theme.

070: Every Knee Shall Bow (Romans Series #30: Rom. 14)

The Jewish believers in the church at Rome were finding it difficult to let go of their Jewish identifiers – dietary restrictions and observance of sabbaths and feast days. Paul refers to them as “weaker” brethren. The Gentile believers, on the other hand, were not bound in this manner, but were free in Christ, so Paul refers to them as “stronger” brethren. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that they were to accommodate one another, in light of the coming Judgment Seat and the ultimate salvation of all mankind.

069: Obeying Government and Loving Mankind (Romans Series #29: Rom. 13)

Christians are biblically obligated to obey the dictates of governing authorities, unless those dictates cause us to violate God’s laws. In those situations, we must obey God rather than men. Pastor Hollandsworth points out, however, that many American Christians misapply Rom. 13, because our form of government opens the door to challenge government. Paul calls for believers to truly obey all levels of government and love everyone.

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