Sons to Glory

056: Promises for Firstborn Sons (Romans Series #19: Rom. 8:26-39)

The end of Rom. 8 is often understood as unconditional promises for believers, following a description of “the process of salvation” in vs. 29-30, from God’s perspective. However, Pastor Hollandsworth points out that vs. 29-30 are a description of sanctification unto reward from God’s perspective. Thus, the promises in the broader text are conditional promises, for those who are on the pathway of becoming firstborn sons to glory.

055: Birth of a New Age (Romans Series #18: Rom. 8:19-25)

A new age is coming! Satan and his echelon will be deposed, and God’s three firstborn sons will ascend to the throne in their stead. Pastor Hollandsworth identifies the firstborn sons, explores the birthing metaphor Paul uses to describe their ascension to power, and describes the glories of the new age.

054: The Revealing of God’s Glorified Sons (Romans Series #17: Rom. 8:12-19)

All creation awaits the revealing of God’s glorified sons. Who are these sons? Why are they glorified? What is their purpose? Pastor Hollandsworth delves into this oft-misunderstood passage, explaining that biblical adoption is not automatic at the point of salvation, but conditional at the Judgment Seat for those believers who live according to the Spirit and suffer with Jesus.

043: A Cog in God’s Plan for the Ages

From the foundation of the world, God planned to reconcile all to Himself through Jesus Christ over the course of several ages, including at least two that are yet future. Pastor Hollandsworth challenges believers to understand God’s plan and actively participate in it, while recognizing there is still hope for the multitudes who will not be saved before Christ returns.