080: What Is Truth? (Greatness of God Series #07: His Truth)
Isaiah said of Judah that truth had fallen in the streets. Are conditions any different today? Pastor Hollandsworth gives the philosophical history of the death of truth in modern times, claiming that Christians are largely to blame. Nevertheless, in spite of what is happening in the culture, God is truth, and His Word is truth.
055: Birth of a New Age (Romans Series #18: Rom. 8:19-25)
A new age is coming! Satan and his echelon will be deposed, and God’s three firstborn sons will ascend to the throne in their stead. Pastor Hollandsworth identifies the firstborn sons, explores the birthing metaphor Paul uses to describe their ascension to power, and describes the glories of the new age.
043: A Cog in God’s Plan for the Ages
From the foundation of the world, God planned to reconcile all to Himself through Jesus Christ over the course of several ages, including at least two that are yet future. Pastor Hollandsworth challenges believers to understand God’s plan and actively participate in it, while recognizing there is still hope for the multitudes who will not be saved before Christ returns.
001: Have You Been Duped By Traditions?
Is some of our Christian teaching and preaching based on erroneous interpretations of Scripture that have been perpetually taught, generation after generation? Learn about your podcast host, Pastor James Hollandsworth, and how he came to realize that what he had been taught about the Judgment Seat of Christ was all wrong. The account we must all give to God is serious, not a mere awards ceremony, and multitudes of believers are unprepared because they have been incorrectly taught.