Month: June 2024
069: Obeying Government and Loving Mankind (Romans Series #29: Rom. 13)
Christians are biblically obligated to obey the dictates of governing authorities, unless those dictates cause us to violate God’s laws. In those situations, we must obey God rather than men. Pastor Hollandsworth points out, however, that many American Christians misapply Rom. 13, because our form of government opens the door to challenge government. Paul calls for believers to truly obey all levels of government and love everyone.
068: Rules for Revolutionizing Home and Church (Romans Series #28: Rom. 12:9-21)
What would happen if Christian homes and churches were suddenly filled with love, joy, and peace? Pastor Hollandsworth shares fourteen God-given rules from Rom. 12 that, if obeyed by God’s grace, would revolutionize homes and churches.
067: Get Off Your High Horse (Romans Series #27: Rom. 12:3-8)
When children of God are independent-spirited and self-focused, the church of Jesus Christ suffers from division and disunity. Paul urges the believers to think and act humbly, putting others before self and exercising spiritual gifts as members of the body of Christ. Pastor Hollandsworth describes the spiritual gifts and the glorious benefits when they are used properly.
066: Metamorphosis Culminating in Glory (Romans Series #26: Rom. 12:1-2)
Paul has transitioned to the practical application section of his epistle, and he challenges believers to offer themselves as a living sacrifice to God. Pastor Hollandsworth explains how we can stay on the altar, by not being conformed to the spirit of the age and experiencing metamorphosis (inner spiritual transformation) through mind renewal. Those believers who yield themselves to this inward change now will be outwardly revealed in full glory when they meet Jesus at the Judgment Seat.