Month: August 2024
078: Appearing With Him in Glory (Greatness of God Series #05a: Our Responsibility)
What is to be the Christian’s response to God’s glorious attributes? We are to glorify Him in every aspect of our lives. Pastor Hollandsworth points out that those believers who live in this manner will be glorified when they meet Jesus. All other believers will be naked and ashamed.
077: To Him Be Glory Now and Forever (Greatness of God Series #05: His Glory)
God’s glory and majesty are manifestations of His attributes, evidenced in the form of intense brightness and shining. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about where we can see God’s glory today and emphasizes the importance of glorifying God in all we do.
076: Bowing to the King of Kings (Greatness of God Series #04: His Sovereignty)
World rulers come and go, but one King remains sovereign above them all: Almighty God. Pastor Hollandsworth provides the three elements that assure God’s sovereignty and shares five benefits when believers submit fully to Him as their sovereign.
075: The Paradox of Far Yet Near (Greatness of God Series #03: His Nearness)
When we consider the vastness of the universe, God seems so far away. Yet when we ponder the intricacies of the microscopic realm, He seems near. Pastor Hollandsworth explores the paradox of God being far, yet near, from a dimensional standpoint, and he explains how mere humans can have fellowship with a God who transcends our dimensions.
074: Perfect Ends and Perfect Means (Greatness of God Series #02: His Wisdom)
God is omniscient and all-wise, planning the redemption and future glorification of mankind before the foundation of the world. Pastor Hollandsworth explains five things God does in wisdom and encourages believers to seek His wisdom by believing Him for it.