
078: Appearing With Him in Glory (Greatness of God Series #05a: Our Responsibility)

What is to be the Christian’s response to God’s glorious attributes? We are to glorify Him in every aspect of our lives. Pastor Hollandsworth points out that those believers who live in this manner will be glorified when they meet Jesus. All other believers will be naked and ashamed.

062: The Word of Faith Is Near You (Romans Series #23: Rom. 10)

The Romans Road method of witnessing typically culminates in Rom. 10:9, 13, with a plea to be saved by confessing the Lord Jesus and calling upon the name of the Lord. However, this is not how “salvation” is used in the book of Romans. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that salvation for national Israel is deliverance from God’s wrath and consequent destruction. For individual children of God – both Jews and Gentiles – it is deliverance from sinning and self-destruction. He also points out the meaning of “the word of faith” and in what sense it is “near you.”

060: God’s Calling of Israel (Romans Series #21: Rom. 9:4-13)

What sets Israel apart from other nations? Who are Israelites? How did God call Israel? What is Israel’s calling? What keeps Israel from fulfilling its calling? Pastor Hollandsworth answers each of these questions from the text and makes application to the Christian life.

054: The Revealing of God’s Glorified Sons (Romans Series #17: Rom. 8:12-19)

All creation awaits the revealing of God’s glorified sons. Who are these sons? Why are they glorified? What is their purpose? Pastor Hollandsworth delves into this oft-misunderstood passage, explaining that biblical adoption is not automatic at the point of salvation, but conditional at the Judgment Seat for those believers who live according to the Spirit and suffer with Jesus.

049: Where Are Lazarus and Dives? (Part 2)

Why is the rich man rich? Why is the poor man poor? When taken literally, the story of the rich man and Lazarus does not sufficiently answer why the two men are sent to Heaven and Hell. Nothing is said about their behavior or relationship with God. Pastor Hollandsworth applies a parabolic meaning to the story and explains Christ’s use of symbolism in rebuking the Pharisees.