Red Sea

086: Breaking the 7 Heads of Leviathan (Part 2)

Satan’s fall introduced sin into the world, followed by his agenda of hardship, suffering, chaos and death—anything he can do to thwart the coming of Messiah. In this final message Pastor Hollandsworth discusses God’s breaking of Leviathan’s six remaining heads, with the final one yet future.

073: Nothing My God Cannot Do (Greatness of God Series #01: His Power)

God is omnipotent and His might is seen in this world and in the Word of God. Pastor Hollandsworth shares five testimonies of the mighty power of Jehovah God and explains what a difference this makes for everyday Christian living.

024: “Born Again” Is Not a Regeneration Term

“You must be born again.” Christ’s admonition to Nicodemus in John 3 is traditionally assumed to be a salvation text. But was Jesus telling this ruler of Israel how to be regenerated or how to prepare for kingdom inheritance? Pastor Hollandsworth defines the terms “born again” and “eternal life” and describes what Nicodemus would have been thinking as a first century Israelite.