
082: Crowned With Mercy (Greatness of God Series #09: His Mercy)

Apart from God’s mercy, mankind would be doomed. Mercy stays His hand of judgment, giving those who are sinning opportunities to repent. Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the three recipients of God’s mercy and the special, millennial reward that He promises those who fear Him.

081: No Respecter of Persons (Greatness of God Series #08: His Justice)

Our great God is always just, bringing judgment upon sinners, including sinning believers. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates that God’s anger and wrath are balanced by His love and goodness and shows how that wonderful truth should motivate us to live uprightly, for we will soon give an account to Him for our lives.

051: Repentance and the Book of Life

Repentance is not required for salvation (regeneration). Why, then, does God command all men everywhere to repent? Whose names will be found in the Book of Life? Pastor Hollandsworth describes what happens at the Great White Throne Judgment for those who believe God and live righteously but do not believe on Jesus for eternal life by faith alone.

050: Fire and Brimstone

What is the lake of fire, and why is it described as burning with fire and brimstone? Is it literal or metaphorical? Pastor Hollandsworth attempts to answer these questions through the lens of an Old Testament type.

047: What Happens When We Die?

Do believers go to Heaven and unbelievers go to Hell when they die, or do all remain “asleep” until the future resurrection and judgment? Pastor Hollandsworth searches the Scriptures to see if the Intermediate State position, held by most Christians, is biblical.