
045: Eternal Is Not Forever

The Bible words “eternal,” “everlasting,” and “forever” are mistranslations of the Greek adjective “aionios,” which actually means “age-lasting” or “for the age.” Pastor Hollandsworth explains how this error crept into English Bible translations and explores the ramifications with respect to Heaven and Hell.

044: The Electrifying Third Rail

Universal Reconciliation is the third rail that electrifies the doctrine of salvation. Pastor Hollandsworth presents twenty Scripture verses in support of this view and emphasizes that the will of God to save all men will indeed be fulfilled by the end of the ages.

042: A Pilgrimage to Unlikely Places

The apostle Paul said three things abide: Faith, Hope, and Love. Pastor Hollandsworth shares his personal testimony of being led from Faith-Living and Holiness, to Hope-Living and Kingdom Preparedness, and finally Love-Living and Universal Reconciliation. This episode is the segue to several future episodes focusing on the salvation of all mankind.  

026: A Deep Subject

Why does Jesus travel to culturally-forbidden Samaria to meet a woman at a well? Why does He offer her “a fountain of water, springing up to everlasting life,” and what does that mean? What do the disciples learn from the encounter? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, discloses the new revelation that Jesus shares with the woman, and clarifies the meaning of worshiping God in spirit and truth.

008: Judged for Sinning?

At salvation our sins are forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus. Does that mean God never judges believers who persist in sinfulness going forward? Surprisingly, many Christians assume that is the case. Pastor Hollandsworth gives eight ways that God judges our continued sinfulness now, and demonstrates that He will certainly do so at the Judgment Seat.